Sunday, 7 September 2014

inner ring road #1 (slumlord)

speaking in code
on the inner ring road
staving off starvation mode

turning purple
in the turning circle
taking the eccles tram
through our sham of a hinter land.

i was thinking
and walking it was
following me

as i flicked betwixt
multiple realities

digesting the world
internally amongst

the bleating and squawking
about trams and psychogeography

pointing your sword
towards magnetic north

breaking the brotchen
with the bitching and bored

sick of the saints
i think i'll take my complaints

to the slumlord
to the slumlord.

inner ring road #2 (eccles tram)

speaking in code
on the inner ring road

taking the eccles tram taking the eccles tram
taking the eccles tram taking the eccles tram.

speaking in code
on the inner ring road

i had just turned
one hundred thousand
years old but

i still got all my own teeth
which i keep in a box beneath the seat.

struggling upstream
with the garbage and the geese

finally making my peace
with the water taxis and river police

as i follow the sodium lanterns
into a quay where i wouldn't object to being scattered.

i teach myself to read again and act like i'm on tv again
i teach myself to read again and act like i'm on tv again...
the man across the aisle from me asks me what i make of this century

i stare six feet ahead of me and
shift my box onto the empty seat
i shift my box onto the empty seat.

it starts with thinning at the crown and ends in one of the many rooms of your father's house.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

beef with everyone

in every office and every home, content getting fucked by form.
every exhibition is amateur porn and we've got beef with everyone.

we've got beef with everyone

wince as history is being written by a coked up kid with no qualifications
blessed with hair so effortlessly thick it makes you physically sick to see him

he's dressed in echo on the edge of town, the battle for the milltown crown
there's nothing scarier than an emerging area policed by mysterious criteria when

we've got beef with everyone
we've got beef with everyone
we've got beef with everyone
we've got beef with everyone

he saw the sadness in her eyes and said just treat it as a bit of exercise,
something to define yourself against, something to remember yourself by.

bye bye.

no goodbye and no hello, no more opening up of the door,
no goodbye and no hello - cos you're not our customer anymore.

you're not our customer anymore.

carling cans on the megabus - your new definition of dangerous.

Friday, 29 August 2014

fag packet mathematics

i tried reasoning, i tried to reason that the uh,
that the uh dip was

and so our vision
become a salvage mission.

as i rework
and reforecast
until i'm runnning out of f(ag packet mathematics)ingers

amateurs dramatics.

you wait for sorry
but sorry is no longer in service.

as you sit,
and you wait,
in the weather,

where almost nothing is worth it.

nervous in the same shirt as yesterday and propped up with  a coffee i've never heard of

we pour all our resources
into hastening our own denoument

in the strive for infinite improvement

fag packet mathematics
amateur dramatics

when water will not work, why not cancel it out with the apple?

fag packet mathematics. one's ever really got nowt to do.
the science is flawless until it comes and fucks you.

until it comes and fucks you.