Tuesday, 26 December 2017

merry xmas / bonne année / bye

dearest aficionados,

we hope you have each had a splendid year and we wish you the most spectacular happiness in the next

this is simply a short forewarning to say that as of 2018 monster island will be ceasing trading. all creditors please liaise directly with our solicitors - TUCKERS 24 HOUR CRIMINAL LAWYERS

to commemorate this event we will be erasing all trace of our existence from the internet, including the thousands of albums on Bandcamp http://monsterisland.bandcamp.com

if you want to download these before they are disappeared please do so ASAP. If you receive this message post-dissolution and still want any of the songs drop me a note and we will arrange something.

we will continue to make music under various guises until the heat death of the universe but they will not bear the monster island insignia which is being sun-setted for it is poisoned with the passing of time.

some MI songs may re-emerge under a different brand name. please don't be upset if this happens.

if you are interested in knowing about future musical projects please let us know by responding to this email with “aye” or similar

and as we slither into oblivion I leave you with these words of wisdom:

"don't be sad that it happened, 
just be happy that it's over"

thanks for listening

monster island XXX