Sunday, 10 May 2009


QWERTY. QWERTY. it is as good a start as any, QWERTY>

i don't know what the story is. where it starts,. where it ends.
i'd just returned from reading every book ever written and if the answer exists, well..
it chooses to remain hidden.

i've got my own word for everything.
from canal beds nicking poetry.
see me looking up perplexed - i'm the artist, pukka pad is spotless

decades o' dust bouncing upwards --he thought his time had come and gone,
he was wrong

and since you left the stage he's been
burning all he reads
out of respect,
he opens the W.I.P file of his au-to-bi-og-ra-phy
and does a findandreplace on every instance of your name.

commited his final soliloquy to tape.

smashed it and unravelled it.
and mailed it to the beckett estate.

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